Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/20/2025 6:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Main Library - Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
ID#24-1610 14.1Service Awards for 2=20-2025 CMSpecial recognitions and Presentations (Proclamations, service awards, or other special recognitions. Presentations by government agencies or groups providing formal updates to Council will be limited to ten minutes.)February Service Awards   Not available Not available
ID#25-0076 14.2Newspaper in Education Week 2025 ProclamationSpecial recognitions and Presentations (Proclamations, service awards, or other special recognitions. Presentations by government agencies or groups providing formal updates to Council will be limited to ten minutes.)Newspaper in Education Week 2025 Proclamation - Sue Bedry, Newspaper in Education Development Officer - Tampa Bay Times   Not available Not available
ID#25-0096 14.3Youth Art Month 2025 Proclamation - Betsy Walch, Beth Daniels, Maria Cantonis - The Clearwater Arts AllianceSpecial recognitions and Presentations (Proclamations, service awards, or other special recognitions. Presentations by government agencies or groups providing formal updates to Council will be limited to ten minutes.)Youth Art Month 2025 Proclamation - Betsy Walch, Beth Daniels, Maria Cantonis - The Clearwater Arts Alliance   Not available Not available
ID#24-1589 14.4North Beach UpdateSpecial recognitions and Presentations (Proclamations, service awards, or other special recognitions. Presentations by government agencies or groups providing formal updates to Council will be limited to ten minutes.)North Beach Update   Not available Not available
ID#25-0075 15.1Approve 2/6/25 City Council Mtg MinutesMinutesApprove the minutes of the February 6, 2025 City Council Meeting as submitted in written summation by the City Clerk.   Not available Not available
25-01c 16.1HDA2024-09001 Development Agreement HotelAction ItemApprove a Development Agreement between AP Beach Properties, LLC and the City of Clearwater for property located at 405 Coronado Drive, adopt Resolution 25-01, and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (HDA2024-09001)   Not available Not available
ID#25-0098 16.2Jolley Tolley Service during Spring BreakAction ItemApprove a funding agreement between the City of Clearwater and the Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) to provide enhanced Jolley Trolley service during Spring Break period of March 2, 2025 through May 3, 2025, with the City contributing an amount not to exceed $108,171.00 and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.   Not available Not available
ID#25-0052 16.3Herbicide, Pesticide and Related Products ContractAction ItemAward purchase orders to Harrell's, LLC, Heritage Landscape Supply Group, Inc. dba Heritage Professional Products Group, Howard Fertilizer and Chemical LLC, MAR Green Resources LLC and SiteOne Landscape Supply for citywide Herbicide, Pesticide and Assorted Related Products in the cumulative amount of $175,000 for initial term of March 1, 2025 through September 30, 2025, with two, one-year renewal options at $300,000.00 annually pursuant to Invitation to Bid 55-24 and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.   Not available Not available
ID#25-0058 16.4 Action ItemApprove the Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) G3901 between the City of Clearwater and the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), for the construction of a rotating beacon at the Clearwater Airpark, authorize the appropriate officials to execute same, and adopt Resolution 25-05.   Not available Not available
ID#25-0091 16.5 Action ItemAuthorize a purchase order to Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) of Redlands, CA for the renewal of the City’s mapping and land management software licensing and maintenance in the amount of $285,900.00 for the term beginning February 26, 2025 through February 25, 2028, pursuant to City Code 2.563 (1)(d), Non-competitive purchases (Impractical), and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.   Not available Not available
ID#25-0123 16.6Authorize an increase to purchase ordersAction ItemAuthorize an increase to purchase orders to Florida Graphic Services, Inc of Clearwater, FL (Primary) and AMI Graphics, Inc of Strafford, NH and Outdoor America Images LLC dba OAI+Rainer (OAI) of Tampa, FL (Secondary) for Citywide Signs, Banners and Misc Other Items in the cumulative amount of $175,000.00 bringing the contract total to $200,000.00 annually for the initial term with two, one-year renewal options pursuant to RFP 58-24 and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.   Not available Not available
ID#25-0085 16.7Approve renewal of a Sovereignty Submerged Lands LeaseAction ItemApprove the renewal of a Sovereignty Submerged Lands lease with the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida for the police station boat dock on Clearwater’s South Beach and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.   Not available Not available
ID#24-1626 16.8Ajax Bldg Co. GMPAction ItemApprove Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) 2, Amendment 4 to the Agreement with Ajax Building Company, LLC, of Midway, FL, for construction of Municipal Service Building (MSB) Renovations (23-0035-EN), in the amount of $3,193,901.00, increasing the purchase order from $5,822,660.00 to a not to exceed total of $9,016,561.00, pursuant to Request for Qualifications 59-23 and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.   Not available Not available
ID#25-0092 16.9Amend Code of Ordinances and pass Ordinance 9818-25 on first readingAction ItemAmend Clearwater Code of Ordinances by creating Section 2.429 to permit firefighters to purchase prior firefighter and military service and pass Ordinance 9818-25 on first reading.   Not available Not available
ID#25-0097 16.10Request for authority to appeal an amended final judgment against the City in the case of GIANNIKOS V. CITY OF CLEARWATER (Case No. 22-424-CI)Action ItemRequest authority to appeal an amended final judgment against the City in the case of Giannikos v. City of Clearwater (Case No. 22-424-CI).   Not available Not available
ID#25-0127 16.11Authorize the filing of a civil lawsuit against Stantec, Inc., Skanska USA, and their affiliated entitiesAction ItemAuthorize the filing of a civil lawsuit against Stantec, Inc., Skanska USA, and their affiliated entities   Not available Not available