Authorize an increase to purchase order with WEX Bank (WEX) of Portland, ME for fleet fuel card services in a cumulative not-to-exceed amount of $348,000.00 bringing the total amount to $668,000.00 pursuant to Clearwater Code of Ordinance Section 2.563 (1)(c) Piggyback and authorize the appropriate officials to execute the same. (consent)
On August 5, 2021, Council approved a purchase order to WEX for fleet fuel card services in the amount of $320,000.00 through December 31, 2025, with two (2), one (1) year renewal options in the annual amount of $150,000.00. This is a piggyback from the State of Florida contract #78181701-21-NASPO-ACS (NASPO Cooperative Purchasing Master Agreement #00819) with WEX Bank (WEX) No. 25172500-19-ACS.
Additionally, on October 5, 2023, Council approved a purchase order to J & F Petroleum for fuel site repairs. This increase to the purchase order with WEX is needed to pay for the estimated additional expenditures for fuel that will be associated with the city fuel site being shut down for four to six weeks. There is sufficient funding to cover the increase because the city will not be using its vendor for fuel site deliveries at this time.
WEX is the most widely accepted fuel card company in the US. Additionally, it provides incentives for prompt payment, detailed fueling reports, customer service 24/7, as well as a quarterly rebate based on total fuel spend.
General Services is requesting authorization to increase our current purchase order by $348,000.00 for a new total of $668,000.00.
5666611-550500 Fuel
These purchases help accomplish strategic objective 1.2. Fleet division operators maintain public infrastructure to deliver effective and efficient services by optimizing City assets and resources.