Approve a Special Event Grant Funding Request from Unimex in an amount not to exceed $6,200 for the Cinco de Mayo Taco Fest and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.
The purpose of this item is to request approval of grant funding for the Cinco de Mayo Taco Fest, an event organized by Unimex.
Event Details:
• Date: Sunday, May 4, 2025
• Time: 2 PM to 10 PM
• Location: Coachman Park
• Admission: Free, family-friendly
• Expected Attendance: Approximately 1,500
• Features: Taco food trucks, vendors, live music, bounce house, and other community attractions
This event provides opportunities for small and emerging businesses to gain exposure and offers local musicians and bands a platform to showcase their talents. Following the event's success in 2024, Unimex aims to enhance and expand it into an annual tradition.
Unimex has submitted an event budget totaling $23,665 and requested funding in the amount of $10,800. The City of Clearwater has approved a Community Special Event Co-sponsorship of $10,000 to assist with city fees, equipment, public communication, and other qualified expenses.
City Fees and Sponsorship:
City fees for the event are estimated at $7,760, as calculated by Parks and Recreation staff. The $10,000 sponsorship is expected to cover a significant portion of these fees, as well as other eligible costs.
DDB Grant Request:
Under Section 3 of the DDB Grant Request Policy, grants can be used to fund expenses related to marketing, entertainment, insurance, and city fees. The total eligible expenses for this event are $16,200.
Given the city's $10,000 sponsorship and its coverage of similar expenses, staff recommends awarding $6,200 to Unimex. This amount will ensure coverage for insurance, marketing, entertainment, and remaining city fees not addressed by the city sponsorship.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve a DDB grant in the amount of $6,200 to support Unimex's event.
Funding for this grant will be allocated to the FY 24/25 Special Event line of the budget- 1829411-558600