Cleveland Street Activation and Mobile Vendors Initiative Update.
The Cleveland Street Activation and Mobile Vendors Initiative is the CRA’s plan to reinvigorate the 400-500 blocks of Cleveland Street from Osceola Avenue to Garden Avenue. This initiative will address four focus areas, which are:
1. Mobile Vendors
2. Special Events
3. Public Art and Pop-ups
4. Streetscape and Placemaking
The CRA will work across city departments and engage our community stakeholders to develop programs to address each of our focus areas. These enhancements will be rolled out throughout the year.
Key Projects
• Opportunities for Mobile Vending through Special Events
Through coordination with Special Events Department look for ways to increase opportunities for vendors to operate on Cleveland Street.
• Mobile Vendors Seasonal Program
Through community partnerships establish opportunities for small businesses to serve as reoccurring vendors and during seasonal markets.
• Development of new Special Events
Through community partnerships establish new event opportunities to allow for vendors, entertainment, and the arts.
• Public Art
Development of new public art installations and pop-up art installations.
• Streetscape Enhancements
Develop enhancements to improve gateway identification signage, banners, expanded lighting, and other beautification elements.
• Placemaking Enhancements
Develop placemaking enhancements to activate public spaces.
Total Estimated Proposed Budget: $500,000
Funding Sources:
CRA Contribution: $200,000
DDB Contribution: $300,000
Partnership and Program Coordination: $50,000
Mobile Vendors and Special Events: $150,000
Arts and Entertainment Enhancements: $100,000
Streetscape Enhancements: $200,000
Goal 1 - People Goal (page 46)
Objective 1E: Maintain Cleveland Street as Downtown’s Main Street which is valued for its historic character and pedestrian scale.
Objective 1H: Maintain, activate and program parks, plazas and recreational areas.
Objective 1J: Recognize and celebrate the unique features of Downtown neighborhoods.
Goal 2 - Accessibility Goal (page 46)
Objective 2B: Strengthen Cleveland Street, Osceola and Fort Harrison Avenues as local, pedestrian oriented streets. Identify other local streets to be reinvigorated with active ground floor uses.
Objective 2H: Support temporary techniques that improve the street environment such as murals, temporary planters, sharrows, bike lanes and painted intersections until permanent improvements are made. (page 47)
Goal 3 - Amenity Goal (page 47)
Objective 3F: Promote the visual and performing arts.
Objective 3G: Create and activate space to work as signature destinations, including civic plazas, markets and retail gathering places that promote economic growth for Downtown.
1.2: Maintain public infrastructure, mobility systems, natural lands, environmental resources, and historic features through systematic management efforts.
2.2: Cultivate a business climate that welcomes entrepreneurship, inspires local investment, supports Eco-friendly enterprises, and encourages high-quality job growth.
2.3: Promote Clearwater as a premier destination for entertainment, cultural experiences, tourism, and national sporting events.
2.5: Facilitate partnerships with educational and research institutions to strengthen workforce development opportunities.
3.1: Support neighborhood identity through services and programs that empower community pride and belonging.
3.2: Preserve community livability through responsible development standards, proactive code compliance, and targeted revitalization.