Authorize an increase and extension on the purchase order to Gator Grading and Paving LLC, of Palmetto, Florida, for the 2021 Roadway Resurfacing project on a unit price basis in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,500,000.00 bringing the purchase order total to $4,050,000.00 and extend by 153 Calendar days, through September 30, 2025, pursuant to Bid (ITB) 19-0045-EN and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.
The City of Clearwater’s annual street resurfacing program is designed to prevent the deterioration of the asphalt road surface, maintain the integrity of the road substructure, and extend the useful lifespan of the roadways.
On December 3, 2020, City Council Approved the 2021 Roadway Resurfacing contract pursuant to ITB 19-0045-EN for one year with an option for three additional one-year renewal terms on a unit price basis.
On February 6, 2025, the City Manager approved an extension of 90 calendar days to the purchase order through April 30, 2025, to continue with the 5-year resurfacing plan and address damage caused by hurricanes Helene and Milton, until a new Resurfacing contract is established.
This extension, as well as the extension previously approved by the City Manager, includes a price increase for the asphalt items. Asphalt line items have increased yearly due to price fluctuations associated with the petroleum industry and approved based on industry trends. The Transportation Division was able to negotiate recent price increase with the contractor who agreed to only increase the asphalt line items and keep pricing competitive with other local active awarded contracts. The Gator Grading and Paving asphalt unit price is lower (28% to 5%) than active annual resurfacing contracts with the Pinellas County and St. Pete.
An additional 153 calendar day extension, through September 30, 2025, will allow continuation of repair of damage caused by Hurricanes Helene and Milton as well as complete work delayed due to hurricane activity. Public Works will advertise a new resurfacing Invitation to Bid (ITB) this summer to be place by the end of this fiscal year, by September 30, 2025.
The streets scheduled for resurfacing in this contract were selected from the City’s pavement management plan, citizens' requests, and staff observations. Additionally, repairs of Clearwater Beach Parking Lots used as debris management sites after Hurricane Helene and Milton (with the exception of Lot 36/Rockway) will be performed under this contract extension.
This is a unit price contract with a maximum increase of $1,500,000.00, bringing the total to $4,050,000.00 for the term ending September 30, 2025.
ENRD180004-CONS-CNSTRC $1,500,000
Funding is available in capital improvement project ENRD180004, Streets and Sidewalks, to fund this contract. This project is funded annually with Road Millage (Ad Valorem Taxes) and General Fund Revenues.
1.2 Maintain public infrastructure, mobility systems, natural lands, environmental resources, and historic features through systematic management efforts. 1.4 Foster safe and healthy communities in Clearwater through first-class public safety and emergency response services.