Approve a purchase order to ArborPro Inc., of Yorba Linda, CA, for Tree Assessment/Inventory Survey, on a unit price basis, in the cumulative amount of $200,000.00 for a five-year term beginning October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2029, pursuant to Invitation to Bid 27-24 and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
In January 2023, the Public Works Department halted the urban forest management program, which included the inventory of the urban forest, after citizen concerns helped identify some operational concerns which included insufficient detail in the assessment/inventory, insufficient public outreach and resident notification, and the lack of a tree-replacement planting program. After an internal review and discussion with the Environmental Advisory Board, city staff prepared a high-level policy for Council’s consideration that was adopted on September 18, 2023 (attached). This policy prioritizes the tree, provides a replanting plan, and provides for additional detail in the inventory activities. After Council adopted the revised urban forest management program policy, staff sought to resume inventory operations with the provider that had been performing those services prior to program being halted. However, that provider was unable to resume operations due to a change in staff, additional detail being requested during the inventory process, and some additional technical challenges.
Therefore, an Invitation to Bid (ITB) #27-24 was issued on May 3, 2024, for a Tree Assessment/Inventory Survey. The goal of the assessment and inventory is to determine the age, species, health, and geographic distribution of hardwood trees in the City of Clearwater Rights of Way (ROW).
The assessment/inventory will be conducted by surveying approximately 3,000 hardwood trees per year. The City is divided into five zones so that one zone per year will be assessed and surveyed. Zone three will be the first zone to be assessed and surveyed which includes Clearwater Beach and Old Clearwater Bay.
The contractor will assess all hardwood trees within the city ROW with a diameter at breast height (DBH) of 6 inches or greater. Palm trees will not be surveyed.
Collected data will include location, tree tagging, species, size, and condition rating for all trees. Field observation will be required for all trees receiving a condition rating of zero to two (0-2). Field observation will document more specific attributes like whether wildlife, bees or overhead utilities are present.
The results of the survey will be used to determine the scope and budget necessary for tree removal and replacement services for all trees receiving a condition rating of zero as well as potential locations to plant new or replacement ROW trees.
The City received six qualified bids with ArborPro, Inc. being the lowest and most responsive bid according to the bid specifications.
The contract covers a period of five years, totaling $200,000.00 ($40,000.00 per year), beginning October 1, 2024 and ending September 30, 2029, contingent upon the ongoing provision of services.
3157539-530300-M2006 $200,000.00
Funding for this contract is available in Capital Improvement Project 315-M2006, Right of Way Tree Management Program which is funded by annual allocations of General Fund and Central Insurance Internal Service Fund revenues.
4.3 Protect the conservation of urban forests and public green spaces to promote biodiversity and reduce our carbon footprint. 4.4 Develop accessible and active transportation networks that enhance pedestrian safety and reduce citywide greenhouse gas emissions.