Provide direction on proposed policy to maintain the City of Clearwater’s urban forests.
In 2020, the City began conducting an inventory and assessment of trees in the right-of-way. Using that inventory and assessment, the City contracted with a vendor for tree and stump removal and began removing trees rated “0” or trees that were assess as dead.
In January 2023, the Public Works Department halted the program after citizen concerns helped identify some operational concerns which included insufficient detail in the assessment/inventory, insufficient public outreach and resident notification, and the lack of a tree-replacement planting program.
After an internal review and discussion with the Environmental Advisory Board on May 17, 2023, city staff prepared a high-level policy for Council’s consideration.
The policy was developed to be consistent with the City of Clearwater Strategic Plan:
Environmental Stewardship: Objective 4.3: Protect the conservation of urban forests and public green spaces to promote biodiversity and reduce our carbon footprint.
The policy prioritizes the urban forests. The policy calls for the surveying, assessment, and classification of trees to restart; and includes the removal of trees that are dead or rated “0.” The citizen notification process will include three methods of contact of an adjacent property owner and notification of the homeowner’s association, if applicable.
The policy proposes a re-planting program at a ratio of five trees planted for every four removed. Additionally, the city will identify species that are authorized to be planted and the place conditions for each species.
Public Works will collaborate with the Neighborhood Services Team and Public Communications Team to promote the philosophy “right tree, right place”, properly identifying property/right-of-way lines, and neighborhood stewardship of public trees.
Funding to implement this policy is provided in various appropriation codes, as listed below, with the proposed amounts for fiscal year 23/24.
0101312-530300-10, Hardwood Tree Removal, $191,800
0101312-530300-20, Palm Tree Trimming, $188,000
0101312-530300-40, Right-of-way Tree Trimming/Pruning, $182,680
Special Project M2006, Right-of-way Tree Management Program, $300,000
Special Project 181-99970, Tree Replacement Program, $150,000