Approve a contract with Whitlock Consulting Group of Beaufort, SC, for project management and professional services in support of Utility Billing system upgrades for the term of June 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, in the not to exceed amount of $332,736.00 pursuant to RFP #20-24 and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
The City is upgrading the database software and data reporting platform within its Utility Customer Information and Billing System (Cayenta). Upgrades to this system are necessary to keep pace with product improvements and to prepare for eventual migration to a cloud-based service model.
The Utility Billing system supports nine (9) City Enterprise operations.
On January 19, 2024, Procurement issued Request for Proposal (RFP) 20-24, Cayenta UMS Database and Report Migration Services, and Whitlock Consulting Group was the only responsive response received in accordance with the solicitation requirements. The contract includes professional services for migration of the system database, services support for the review and re-writing of system reports, and technical services associated software upgrades.
The project timeline is anticipated to be 12-13 months for implementation.
Funds are budgeted and available in capital project 94829, CIS Upgrade/Replacement, to fund this purchase order.
This purchase will support all the objectives of a High-Performance Government, as well as Superior Public Service.