Authorize the final rental and settlement payments to United Rentals North America, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $254,188.40 for the rental and loss of eight diesel-powered portable pumps utilized by the City of Clearwater, from June 1, 2024 through November 30, 2024, pursuant to Clearwater Code of Ordinances Section 2.563(1)(c), Piggyback; declare the eight flood damaged motors and pumps as surplus pursuant to Section 2.623 (8) and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
United Rentals provided two separate quotes containing four diesel powered portable pumps each, for a total of eight pumps. The pumps were procured through a piggyback off Sourcewell contract #062320-URI valid through August 27, 2024, with one-year renewal option which was exercised. Public Works anticipated the rental would extend through November 30, 2024, coinciding with the “official” end of the hurricane season. The six-month rental cost was approved by Council on May 16, 2024. However, on September 26, 2024, the eight operating pumps and motors were destroyed when the hurricane flooded the island.
To resolve this matter fully and finally, the following actions are recommended:
• Payment of Remaining Rental Costs: Approve payment for Months 5 and 6 of the rentals, as billed on Invoices 234592328-007 and 234592328-008 ($10,998 each), and 234594345-006 and 234594345-007 ($10,998 each), totaling $43,992.00, per the contract terms.
• Payment of Final Rental Costs: Approve payment for the newly billed "FINAL" rental costs, detailed on Invoices 2634592328-008 ($8,981.20) and 234592328-009 ($8,981.20), both dated November 26, 2024, totaling $17,962.40.
• Purchase of Damaged Equipment: Approve the purchase of the damaged motors, pumps, hoses, and accessories for an amount not exceeding $192,234.00. This amount represents the "Fair Market Value" as determined by United Rentals and outlined in the “Sale Agreement/Invoice” document #239711986-001, dated November 26, 2024.
• Declaration and Sale of Surplus Equipment: Declare the damaged motors and pumps, as detailed in the aforementioned Sale Document, as surplus. Authorize their sale to the highest bidder(s) in a manner deemed most advantageous to the City by the General Services Director of Fleet Operations or designee, pursuant to Section 2.623(8) via Tampa Machinery Auction pursuant to Pinellas County Contract 190-0534-R(JJ) valid through November 17, 2027.
Public Works staff and legal counsel confirm that all contractual obligations have been met. They recommend proceeding with the financial settlement with United Rentals, the salvage sale of the motors and pumps, and the final closure of this matter.
4192090-544100 $ 61,954.40
4192090-548000 $192,234.00
Funds for this settlement is available in the Stormwater Maintenance operating budget.
This is funded by the Stormwater Utility Enterprise fund.
1.2 Maintain public infrastructure, mobility systems, natural lands, environmental resources, and historic features through systematic management efforts.