Approve a Clearwater Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) for Undergrounding of Duke Electric Utilities along Myrtle Avenue, Cleveland to Court Streets, and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.
In support of the City’s new City Hall and MSB Renovation projects as well PSTA’s Multimodal Transit Center, the City wishes to partner with PSTA to initiate removal of Duke’s overhead power lines along the west side of Myrtle Avenue from just north of Cleveland Street to just south of Court Street. This will improve aesthetics of the urban landscape, provide a cleaner visual appearance, enhance pedestrian access while also offering increased reliability and safety compared to overhead lines. This undergrounding effort provides opportunity for increased property values, creating a more attractive environment for businesses and residents, stimulating investment and revitalizing the area.
The ILA allows PSTA to pay/reimburse the city for their portion of the Duke undergrounding work. PSTA will be responsible for restoration of their adjacent right-of-way (ROW) and private property and coordinating with the joint users to remove private telecom lines from the Duke-owned power poles once Duke removes the power lines. The proposed undergrounding covers approximately four blocks for $671,431.56 based on Duke’s binding project estimate dated February 15, 2025. The City’s portion owed to Duke is $503,573.56 or 75% of the total for three blocks and PSTA’s portion is $167,858.00 or 25% for one block.
The approval to use $1 million in CRA funds to cover the City’s portion of undergrounding cost, including joint users and restoration, as well as approval of the Duke Underground Conversion Agreement, will be presented to the CRA Trustees at the next CRA work session, March 31, 2025. The city and PSTA will grant Duke various easements to accommodate required switchgear and transformers on city and PSTA property with the power lines typically being directional drilled in the ROW. Duke anticipates a 7-month construction duration once they receive permits.
Investment in undergrounding of overhead power lines in the downtown core supports all five of the strategic priorities below.