Approve Engineer of Record (EOR) Supplemental Work Order Two to Atkins North America for $61,490, for Cooper’s Point (18-0009-EN) increasing the work order from $173,940 to $235,430 and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
June 21, 2018, City Council approved the initial $115,007 Work Order for a circulation study to develop alternatives with the most ecological benefit for projects identified in the Cooper’s Point Master Plan.
July 18, 2019, City Council approved $58,933 Supplemental Work Order One for continued study of areas around Cooper’s Point, specifically the potential ecological impacts to mangrove swamp habitat due to the proposed hydrologic improvements, including coordination with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District 7 for a total of $173,940.
Supplemental Two is for the collection of environmental data to support permitting and project design. Work includes survey of the mosquito ditches and approximately 40 spoil piles, a bathymetric survey of Cooper’s Bayou and around the proposed bridge on the Courtney Campbell Causeway, and ten geotechnical borings for a new total work order value of $235,430.
ENST180005-STDY-PROSVC $61,490
Funds are available in capital improvement project ENST180005, Coastal Basins, to fund this supplemental work order.