Authorize an agreement with DEX Imaging LLC dba TotalPrint USA (TotalPrint USA), of Tampa, FL for citywide copier and printer services in an annual not to exceed amount of $200,000.00, for the initial term January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025, with three, one-year renewal options pursuant to RFP 56-24, and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
On August 5, 2024, the City issued Request for Proposal (RFP) 56-24 for Citywide Printer and Copier Services. Four responsive proposals were received by the September 4, 2024, deadline. A team of city staff carefully evaluated each submission based on the RFP criteria and overall responsiveness to the requirements. Following this evaluation, the team shortlisted the top two companies and recommended awarding the contract to TotalPrint USA, the highest-ranked company.
TotalPrint USA will provide hardware, printing supplies, and support services for the City’s 75 copiers, as well as support services for an additional 89 printers. The initial contract term is one year, from January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025, with three optional one-year renewals, allowing for a total potential service term of four years.
TotalPrint USA will replace SunPrint, Inc. as the City’s printer and copier service provider. The City plans to seek authorization from the City Manager to exercise a buyout clause with SunPrint to purchase all existing copiers and printers for $64,500.00. This purchase is expected to eliminate hardware leasing costs and save the City an estimated $40,000.00 to $80,000.00, depending on the devices' collective lifecycle.
If the contract is renewed for the full four-year term, the total maximum cost is projected to be $800,000.00.
Monthly invoices are processed by the IT and charged back to departments based upon specific print/copy volumes. Chargebacks are processed in departmental operating budgets to line item 544100 (rental equipment/services).
This purchase will support all the objectives of a High-Performance Government, as well as Superior Public Service.