File #: ID#25-0202    Version: 1 Name: Pinellas County School Board Vehicle Use Agreement
Type: Action Item Status: Public Hearing
File created: 2/27/2025 In control: Parks & Recreation
On agenda: 3/17/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve Vehicle Use Agreement between the School Board of Pinellas County, Florida and the City of Clearwater through August 8, 2025 for the City to utilize Pinellas County School buses at a cost of $1.60 per mile plus $44.00 per hour, for a total estimated cost of $20,000 and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)?
Attachments: 1. VEHICLE USE AGREEMENT_2025.pdf
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Approve Vehicle Use Agreement between the School Board of Pinellas County, Florida and the City of Clearwater through August 8, 2025 for the City to utilize Pinellas County School buses at a cost of $1.60 per mile plus $44.00 per hour, for a total estimated cost of $20,000 and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent) 




The Parks and Recreation Department organizes various field trips for participants, primarily summer camp youth, that require bus transportation. During the summer of 2025, the department will organize approximately 50 field trips that may utilize school bus transportation.


The Pinellas County School System allows municipalities to utilize their fleet of buses and drivers for $1.60 per mile plus $44.00 per hour for driver with a four-hour booking minimum.

Comparing a sampling cost of school buses for these trips against the use of private bus lines indicates school buses are generally a less costly mode of transportation.


Approval of this Agreement will allow staff the additional option to use Pinellas County School System buses when determining the most cost-effective source of transportation for participants.


This agreement is similar to previous agreements between the City and the Pinellas County School System, and similar to agreements made with other municipalities that utilize school bus transportation.


The contract terms include an indemnification provision against any claims that are found to result from the sole negligence of the City, its governing body, or its employees.  Nothing in the agreement, however, shall be deemed a waiver of the limitations on liability contained in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, or the doctrine of sovereign immunity.



Funding will come from a variety of general fund cost centers, primarily recreation programming (1813/1816/1834-5303) as well as the JWB grant code (G2107-5303).  The Recreation Programming Division’s Operating Budget contains sufficient funds to cover the costs associated with this Agreement.





Approval of the purchase order supports several Strategic Plan Objectives, including: 

                     1.3: Adopt responsive levels of service for public facilities and amenities, and identify resources required to sustain that level of service.

                     3.1: Support neighborhood identity through services and programs that empower community pride and belonging.