Approve amendments to the Clearwater Code of Ordinances Chapter 22, Article II, Section 22.24, to correct the name of McKay Playfield to McKay Park; change the operating hours of McKay Park from closed between sunset to sunrise to closed between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.; add five parks to be closed between sunset to sunrise (Bayshore Trail, North Betty Lane Neighborhood Park, Lake Chautauqua Equestrian Park and Nature Preserve, McLennan Circle Park and Rainbow Drive Park); remove one park (Holt Avenue); and pass Ordinance 9770-24 on first reading.
Proposed Ordinance No. 9770-24 will correct the name of McKay Playfield to McKay Park as consistent with existing nomenclature which typically calls other similar Department facilities “Parks” and change the operating hours of same from closed between sunset to sunrise to closed between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. The City is in the process of updating and renovating McKay Park with a new playground and six pickleball courts. These upgrades are the result of public input. That same public input also suggested that the current hours were too limiting with which the Department agrees. It should be noted that the immediate area is generally within the Old Florida character district of the Beach by Design planning area, Tourist (T) zoning district and the Resort Facilities High (RFH) future land use classification. The Old Florida District envisions the redevelopment of this area primarily with overnight accommodation and attached dwelling uses with some limited retail/commercial and mixed-use developments along Mandalay Avenue. The immediate vicinity is characterized by a variety of overnight accommodation, retails sales and service, restaurants, bars, and attached dwelling uses. The properties to the north are predominantly developed with attached dwellings, overnight accommodations, restaurants, retail sales and service and bars. The proposed hours of operation are anticipated to the compatible with the character of the surrounding area.
The Department has determined that the proposed change in the hours of operation are consistent with Goals PPP 1 and 2 and Policies PPP 1.1.1 and 2.2.5 of the Parks & Public Places Element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan as well as the intent and purpose of the Open Space/Recreation zoning district of the City’s Community Development Section 2-1401 which provides that is to establish areas where public and private organizations can establish and operate passive and active open space and recreation facilities which are important to the quality of life and economic vitality of the City of Clearwater without adversely impacting the integrity of adjacent residential neighborhoods, diminishing the scenic quality of the City of Clearwater or negatively impacting the safe and efficient movement of people and things within the City of Clearwater.
In addition, the proposed Ordinance will be updated to reflect five existing parks including Bayshore Trail, North Betty Lane Neighborhood Park, Lake Chataqua Equestrian Park & Nature Preserve, McLennan Circle Park and Rainbow Drive Park. All of these parks will be closed Sunset to Sunrise. Finally, the proposed Ordinance will remove the Holt Avenue Property as that land area has been incorporated into the Phillip Jones Park and used as overflow parking.
Approval of the name and operating hours modifications support several Strategic Plan Objectives, including:
• 1.2: Maintain public infrastructure, mobility systems, natural lands, environmental resources, and historic features through systematic management efforts.
• 1.3: Adopt responsive levels of service for public facilities and amenities, and identify resources required to sustain that level of service.
• 2.3: Promote Clearwater as a premier destination for entertainment, cultural experiences, tourism, and national sporting events.
• 3.1: Support neighborhood identity through services and programs that empower community pride and belonging.
• 3.2: Preserve community livability through responsible development standards, proactive code compliance, and targeted revitalization.