File #: ID#19-5892    Version: 1 Name: Natural Gas Line Locating
Type: Action Item Status: Passed
File created: 3/12/2019 In control: Gas System
On agenda: 4/4/2019 Final action: 4/4/2019
Title: Approve a Contract with Olameter DPG, LLC, in the annual amount of $600,000, with the option for two, one-year term extensions, to provide natural gas line locating services and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
Attachments: 1. Agreement - Olameter - Line Spotting (APRIL 2019).pdf




Approve a Contract with Olameter DPG, LLC, in the annual amount of $600,000, with the option for two, one-year term extensions, to provide natural gas line locating services and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)





Olameter was selected based on their response to RFP 21-19 “Natural Gas Distribution Main & Service Line Locating Services.”  They were the lowest and most responsive bidder out of three submittals. 


Florida State law requires anyone who plans to dig and/or perform excavation activities in the right of way or on private property to call the FL Sunshine One-Call center and place a ticket 48-hrs prior to performing any excavation.  Once the locate ticket is received, a Line Spotter goes out to the site and marks the approximate location of our gas lines, usually with flags and spray paint.  This will inform the contractor/excavator of the approximate location of city facilities once they commence excavation. 


In 2018, Clearwater Gas System (CGS) received approximately 50,000 locate tickets from the FL Sunshine One-Call center.  CGS projects the ticket count will be approximately 55,000 over the next 12 months, as construction activities increase.





CGS has budgeted funds available in account codes 4232066-530300 (Pinellas Gas Maintenance) and 4232173-530300 (Pasco Gas Maintenance).