Request approval for allocation of funds for The Cleveland Street Activation and Mobile Vendors Initiative in the amount of $300,000.
The purpose of this agenda item is to request approval for the allocation of $300,000 for The Cleveland Street Activation and Mobile Vendors Initiative (Program) which aims to reinvigorate the 400-500 blocks of Cleveland Street, from Osceola Avenue to Garden Avenue, through targeted efforts across four focus areas:
1. Mobile Vendors
2. Special Events
3. Public Art and Pop-ups
4. Streetscape and Placemaking
Current Status Update:
• Staff has met with local merchants, community partners, social media groups to discuss events
• Staff is in the final phases with SP College for the mobile vendor initiative on Cleveland Street
• Staff has reached out to productions companies.
• Staff is working with other city departments
By allocating these funds for this program it will transform the 400-500 blocks into a vibrant and unique destination. Through collaboration, strategic planning, and community, focused enhancements, this initiative will foster economic growth and create a bold, creative new energy for Downtown Clearwater.
This program aligns with CRA Goals, Downtown Development Board’s (DDB) Work Plan and the City’s Strategic Plans.
CRA Goals:
• People Goal: Maintain Cleveland Street’s pedestrian scale and historic character; activate parks and plazas.
• Accessibility Goal: Strengthen Cleveland Street as a pedestrian-friendly, vibrant corridor.
• Amenity Goal: Promote visual and performing arts; create signature gathering destinations
Downtown Development Board (DDB) Work Plan:
Marketing Goal: Increase awareness of Downtown Clearwater as a vibrant destination for residents, employees, and visitors.
• Strategy: Fund a variety of special events within the DDB District.
• Performance Measure: Allocate $450,000 for special events in FY 2024/25.
City of Clearwater Strategic Plan:
• High-Performing Government: Systematically maintain public infrastructure.
• Economic & Housing Opportunity: Support entrepreneurship, eco-friendly enterprises, and tourism.
• Community Well-Being: Empower community pride and identity.
Funding for this program will be allocated from Downtown Future Initiatives ($282,338), Vacancy Window Art ($10,000) and Business Assistance Grants ($7,662).