Approve an Interlocal Agreement between the Clearwater Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and the City of Clearwater to provide CRA funding in fiscal year 2023-2024 in the amount of $257,642.91 to underwrite the cost of additional Community Policing services by the Clearwater Police Department in the Downtown CRA to address quality of life issues, drug dealing, and homelessness and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.
Quality of life issues, drug dealing, and homelessness, all negatively impact the redevelopment plan. Additional community policing resources are needed to effectively address these issues above and beyond the level provided by routine road patrol functions.
An allowable funding source of this active item is the use of CRA Increment Financings funds. Florida Statutes allows for the use of funds for “community policing innovations” in the Community Redevelopment Areas.
The CRA and Clearwater Police Department have reached an agreement on a proposed scope of services and terms delineated in the Interlocal Agreement. Included in the proposed scope is the delineation of specific, measurable crime reduction targets by which to monitor the success of the initiative as well as providing clear language required by statute assuring that the resources are applied to the Downtown CRA area.
Funding for this Interlocal Agreement will be from CRA Project Code R2001 Community Policing