Approve supplemental two work order from Moffatt and Nichol, of Tampa, FL for Construction Engineering Inspection (CEI), additional permitting services and grant administration for the Clearwater Beach Marina Replacement project (21-0008-MA), a $329,017.00 increase for a new total of $1,849,091.50 pursuant to Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 24-21 and authorize the appropriate officials execute same. (consent)
The Beach Marina, located on the south side of the Clearwater beach roundabout, dates to the early 1950’s. Due to the dock and utility infrastructure’s age and outdated mix of slip sizes and types, the marina no longer meets current best practices and standards and requires replacement.
October 7, 2021, City Council approved the professional service agreement and design work order with Moffatt Nichols pursuant to Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 24-21 in the amount of $1,484,174.50.
July 18, 2023, City Manager approved supplemental one work order for a parking study to evaluate the parking demand at the Marina in the amount of $35,900.00.
Supplemental two work order provides for Phase 1 (12 months) of CEI services, additional work to complete the City’s Building Permit requirements and administration of the Resilient Florida and Sport Fish Restoration Grants. Phase 2 CEI services will be covered by a future supplemental work order.
This supplemental two work order and future supplement are included in the $46M project budget.
3327332-561300-C1905 $329,017.00
Funds are available in capital improvement project 332-C1905, Beach Marine Upgrade, to fund this work order.
High Performing Government
1.2 Maintain public infrastructure, mobility systems, natural lands, environmental resources, and historic features through systematic management efforts.
Economic & Housing Opportunity
2.2 Cultivate a business climate that welcomes entrepreneurship, inspires local investment, supports eco-friendly enterprises, and encourages high-quality job growth.
2.3 Promote Clearwater as a premier destination for entertainment, cultural experiences, tourism, and national sporting events.
Environmental Stewardship
4.1 Support proactive climate resiliency strategies based in science to protect natural and built environments from impacts associated with sea level rise.