Approve agreements with Black and Veatch (B and V) of Tampa, FL, CHA Consulting, Inc. (CHA) of Tampa, FL, and Freese and Nichols of Tampa, FL, for Project Management Services in a cumulative not-to-exceed amount of $5,022,732.00 for a three-year term, with one, three-year renewal option in a cumulative not-to-exceed amount of$5,022,732.00, for a total not-to-exceed of $10,045,464.00, pursuant to RFP 22-24, and authorize the appropriate officials to execute the same. (consent)
On April 12, 2024, RFP 22-24 for Project Management Services was issued to identify qualified firms capable of supporting the City’s project management needs. The City received responses from eight qualified firms. A selection committee comprised of Public Utilities and Public Works staff thoroughly evaluated the submissions based on the RFP criteria and responsiveness. Following the review, the committee recommended awarding agreements to B&V, CHA, and Freese & Nichols. These firms were chosen for their highly skilled professional personnel, ability to deliver quality results on time, and familiarity with Clearwater’s facilities and operational needs.
The City’s Public Utilities oversee numerous Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) projects. Due to the volume of projects and limited staffing resources, additional project management support is essential. Public Utilities anticipates approximately $2 billion in projects over the next decade, which exceeds its current capacity to manage. This agreement provides the additional project management resources needed to support these critical initiatives.
The requested funding will be (anticipated 3-year cost) $5,022,732.00 funded by the Public Utilities enterprise fund.
The project term is for three years, with one, three-year renewal option.
Sufficient funds are available for the current year’s portion of the contract in Public Utilities operating code 4211345-530100, professional services The operations of the Public Utilities Department are funded by Water and Sewer Utility Enterprise Fund revenues.
In furtherance of the Council’s Strategic Plan to achieve High Performing Government by maintaining public infrastructure through systematic management efforts, approval of the cumulative funding to Black & Veatch, CHA and Freese & Nichols is requested