Approve a purchase order to Accela, Inc of San Ramon, CA for renewal of license, maintenance and professional services for land management and permitting software services for an amount not to exceed $1,903,783.11 for the term beginning May 31, 2024, through September 30, 2029, pursuant to City Code 2.563 (1)(d) Non-competitive purchases (Impractical) and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
Accela is the City’s land management solution for permitting, code enforcement, and land planning. This agreement is to upgrade our existing Building & Permitting system to their cloud-based software-as-a-Service, (SaaS), for a five (5) year term beginning May 31, 2024, and ending through September 30, 2029. The product will continue to process all building permitting/code enforcement and land management process reviews. Accela has been the City's land-management solution for 20 years and has been configured to our process and code requirements.
This agreement includes maintenance for the current on-premises licensing in the amount of $169,442.59 for term May 2024 - May 2025. An anticipated maintenance credit in the amount of ($98,841.51) will be applied to subscription services beginning in October 2024 with the initiation of migration to Accela’s cloud hosted SaaS offering.
For future years, subscription service terms will be from October 1st through September 30th as follows:
• Year 1 (10/24-9/25) - $293,803.67 (minus anticipated maintenance credit of $98,841.51)
• Year 2 (10/25-9/26) - $308,493.85
• Year 3 (10/26-9/27) - $323,918.54
• Year 4 (10/27-9/28) - $340,114.47
• Year 5 (10/28-9/29) - $357,120.20
Additional costs for professional services in the amount of $200,000.00 are included to facilitate migration and conversion from on-premises to the Accela cloud hosted platform as well as $9,731.30 for Accela-Public Stuff (Citizen Engagement Platform) for a 6-month term (Public Stuff is being replaced with See-Click-Fix, a web-based service request and citizen engagement solution).
By initiating the upgrade this year, the City will receive a 12.5% discount on the initial SaaS subscription price, which equates to approximately $40K in the first 18 months, and $290K over the 5-year term.
The software subscription includes all webservices and development tools for the customization and creation of application workflows and display of data for all of the listed Accela products.
Accela has been the City's land-management solution for 20 years and has been configured to our process and code requirements. Selection of an alternative system would require a significant dollar investment and a multi-year in commitment of time, retraining of staff, and a disruption in operations. Remaining with Accela will save time, money, and continuity of operations.
Payments will be made annually per the maintenance schedule.
Funds will be budgeted and available in the Information Technology operating budget, cost codes 5559864-530300 (contractual services) and capital project 94857, Accella Permitting and Code Enforcement, for planned expenditures in the current and future fiscal years.
This purchase will support all the objectives of a High-Performance Government, as well as Superior Public Service.