Approve a Work Order to McKim and Creed for engineering services through construction for the installation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) system on top of the Chlorine Contact Chambers (CCC) at the Northeast Water Reclamation Facility (NE WRF), Project 24-0039-UT, in the amount of $221,407.00 pursuant to RFQ 34-23, Engineer of Record (EOR) Consulting Services and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
The CCC is a critical stage in the wastewater treatment process, where effluent is disinfected before being fed into the reclaimed water system. This project aims to provide shade to reduce algae growth, minimize sodium hypochlorite usage, and generate clean energy through solar power. The energy produced will help offset the facility’s overall energy consumption. Additionally, Elective Pay is a new program resulting from the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act and allows local governments, such as the City of Clearwater, to apply for clean energy credits with the IRS. Public Utilities will work with Sustainability Division to apply for clean energy credits for 30-40% of the expenses for this clean energy project.
McKim & Creed was selected for this project due to their expertise, demonstrated success on similar initiatives, and their completion of a Solar Feasibility Study in early 2023, specifically focused on the Water Reclamation Facilities (WRFs). Their in-depth familiarity with the project scope and consistent track record of delivering high-quality results on time and with professionalism further support their selection.
It is anticipated the design will be completed within approximately 270 days (not including construction time) from the date of council approval.
Both the City of Clearwater and the City of Safety Harbor utilize the NE WRF, with Clearwater accounting for 75% of its use and Safety Harbor for 25%. The City of Clearwater Public Utilities Department oversees its operation and maintenance.
Enterprise funds are available in capital improvement project M1906, Northeast Plant R&R to fund this work order.
In furtherance of the Council’s Strategic Plan to achieve High Performing Government by maintaining public infrastructure through systematic management efforts, approval of a Work Order to McKim & Creed is requested.