Approve a purchase order to Motorola Solutions, Inc., of Chicago, IL, for 12 CommandCentral AXS Dispatch Consoles and NICE Logging Interface with two-years of associated warranty service for $1,303,879.00 pursuant to Clearwater Code of Ordinances Section 2.563(1)(c) Piggyback or cooperative purchasing, Section 2.563(1)(d) Noncompetitive (Impractical), and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.
The City of Clearwater has operated an independent Land Mobile Radio (LMR) system for several decades to use by the police department and other city departments. At the direction of Council to find efficiencies to control costs, staff is proposing migrating to the Pinellas County LMR. This will allow for seamless radio communications between the police department and other law enforcement agencies in Pinellas County, and the police department supports the migration to the Pinellas County LMR. The Clearwater fire department already currently operates on the Pinellas County LMR.
The Clearwater LMR is due for an upgrade, that occurs approximately every 10-years. In July 2024, the City received a proposal for the upgrade with a cost of $957,000.00 for needed upgrades and $436,943.00 in optional upgrades. Another related concern is the need to improve signal strength on Clearwater Beach. In 2020, staff received a proposal to add an additional repeater on Clearwater Beach for $917,802.00. Staff did not decide to proceed with this proposal at that time. Additionally, the current (FY25) reoccurring annual maintenance for the Clearwater LMR is $350,599.00, and subject to annual escalation.
The purchase of 12 Motorola CommandCentral AXS Dispatch Consoled and NICE Logging interface for $1,303,879.00 is necessary for the police department communications center to migrate and operate on the Pinellas County LMR. 2-years of service maintenance is included in this cost ($118,879.00 in year 2). The annual maintenance cost will be reoccurring starting in year three and escalate annually. Migration to the Pinellas LMR will reduce the need for future capital to fund the Clearwater LMR. This migration also represents a reduction in maintenance costs of $231,720.00 a year. Pinellas County is not requesting funding from the City of Clearwater to support the Pinellas County LMR system at this time, other than we would have to pay for individual access for non-public safety personnel.
Authorization to piggyback Sourcewell Contract 042021-MOT valid through June 23, 2025 with the option for one additional one-year period is requested. The Essential Service Plan in the amount of $118,879.00 is considered impractical to bid because using another provider to service this equipment could void the warranty.
The current portable and mobile radios can be reprogrammed to operate on the Pinellas LMR and are not required to be replaced until they reach end of life. The cost to reprogram and set up current portable and mobile radios to seamlessly work on the Pinellas LMR is $52,792.00 and would be complete by Communications International (Ci) through our vendor service contract.
A mid-year budget amendment will provide an allocation of $1,303,880 from Garage Fund reserves to capital improvement project 315-C2508, Motorola Conversion, to fund this purchase.
The Garage Fund is an internal service fund of the City which supports city-wide fleet and radio system operations and maintenance.
Funding for this purchase will be provided by mid-year budget amendment allocating Garage Fund reserves in the amount of $1,303,880 to capital improvement project 315-C2508, Motorola Conversion. The remaining balance of Garage Fund reserves after 25% working capital reserves is approximately $3.9M or 21% of the current Garage Fund operating budget.
Mission - Clearwater is committed to quality, sustainable, cost-effective municipal services that foster and sustain a healthy residential and economic environment.
1.2 Maintain public infrastructure through systematic management efforts.
1.4 Foster safe and healthy communities in Clearwater through first-class public safety and emergency response services.