Approve Work Order to AtkinsRealis USA, Inc., of Tampa, FL, for Fort Harrison Avenue Corridor Improvement (19-0036-EN) design and bidding of Phases II, III, and IV in the amount of $5,828,509.10 pursuant to Request for Qualification (RFQ) 04-21 and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
The potable water, wastewater collection, and stormwater systems along Fort Harrison are aging beyond their useful life and must be replaced. This project will replace those systems, including construction of a new reclaimed water main, followed by roadway reconstruction and potential implementation of mobility enhancements.
The project scope includes utility design (potable water, wastewater collection, stormwater, and reclaimed water), roadway design, intersection evaluations that may lead to temporary demonstration projects and associated public outreach, in addition to recommending means of incorporating green infrastructure and sustainability to align with Greenprint 2.0.
The Work Order for Phases II, III, and IV, in the amount of $5,828,509.10 will consist of design drawings, specifications, cost estimates, permits, and bidding support for Phases II, III, and IV which begins near the intersection of Fort Harrison Avenue and Georgia Street to Belleair Road (approximately 2.2 mi). The estimated construction value for the corridor construction for Phases II, III and IV is approximately $43.7 million.
February 3, 2022, City Council initial $2,767,677.32 work order from AtkinsRealis USA, Inc (formally Atkins North America) for Phase I design drawings, specifications, cost estimates, permits, and bidding support for the northern portion of Fort Harrison Ave, from the “apex”, where Fort Harrison Avenue intersects Myrtle Avenue, south to Jones Street with an estimated construction cost of approximately $20.5 million. The Fort Harrison Avenue Corridor Improvement (19-0036-EN) design fees total for Phase I through Phase IV is $8,596,186.32.
A streamlined approach combining the phases for the Fort Harrison Corridor Improvements equate to significant savings for data collection specifically related to survey, subsurface utility exploration, and geotechnical investigations as they will have to mobilize only once instead of multiple times. It will also allow for a more cohesive design of the phases as the same consultant team and City team will be in place. Designing the project as one phase simplifies the maintenance of traffic design since no transitions will be required between phases. Lastly, combining phases allows the city to streamline the schedule and number of submittals, providing a significant cost savings. In total, combing the design of the remaining phases, results in an estimated +/- $2M savings.
AtkinsRealis will prepare the design drawings, specifications, cost estimates, permits, and provide bidding support for Phases II, III, and IV.
Design for Phases II, III, and IV is expected to take 2 years.
The total project budget for Fort Harrison is anticipated to be $72,783,000. The following funding is identified in prior year balance and the approved 6-year Capital Improvement Program, totaling $58,084,410:
General Fund $10,727,740
Stormwater Utility Fund $11,476,750
Water & Sewer Utility Fund $35,879,920
If approved at these design specifications, additional resources of $14,698,590 will need to be allocated. The following amounts will be required by fund:
General Fund increase $ 2,803,700
Water & Sewer Utility Fund increase $11,894,890
3157541-530100-C2102 Roads $ 325,211.79
3197319-530100-C2102 Storm $1,259,219.74
3217321-530100-C2102 Water $1,974,494.75
3217321-530100-C2102 Sewer $1,428,130.19
3277327-530100-C2102 Sewer $ 546,364.56
3217321-530100-C2102 RCW $ 295,088.07
Funding is available in Capital Improvement Project C2102, Fort Harrison Reconstruction, to fund the work order.
This item falls under objective 1.2 (maintaining public infrastructure) within High Performing Government, objective 3.3 promote marketing and outreach strategies that encourages stakeholders' engagement, and objective 4.4 develop accessible and active transportation network that enhances pedestrian safety.