Authorize the award of Invitation to Bid 38-20 Antiscalant to American Water Chemicals, Inc. of Plant City, FL in an annual not-to-exceed amount of $65,000, with the option for two, one-year extensions at the City’s discretion, and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
Invitation to Bid (ITB) #38-20, Antiscalant was issued on June 9, 2020. Two bids were received on July 8, 2020. American Water Chemicals Inc represents the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for Antiscalant.
Antiscalant is a water treatment chemical used to inhibit the formation of scale for water being purified by the Reverse Osmosis (RO) treatment process. Antiscalant is utilized at the two Water Treatment Plants for treating drinking water. Antiscalant blend and dosages are based on each individual plant’s water quality and membrane configuration. RO1 and RO2 use different antiscalant blends and dosages.
The initial contract period will be August 21, 2020 through August 20, 2021, with the option for two, one-year term renewal terms available to the City. Renewal Terms allow for cost increases based on the Producer Price Index #0613 Basic Inorganic Chemicals; renewal prices shall be firm for the respective annual term.
Budgeted funds for FY20 are available in Public Utilities’ cost centers, cost code 550100 Lab Chem Supplies.
Funding for future fiscal years (FY21 through FY23) will be requested within contract calendar and spending limits.