File #: ID#25-0185    Version: 1 Name: Stevenson Creek Land Purchase
Type: Action Item Status: Public Hearing
File created: 2/21/2025 In control: Parks & Recreation
On agenda: 3/17/2025 Final action:
Title: Approve a Contract for the Purchase of Real Property located on the Stevenson Creek Shoreline, also known as Parcel Identification Number 10-29-15-00000-120-0100, by the City of Clearwater from current owners, Kumar Kakarlapudi and Prerana Kamalakar Vaidya at the purchase price of $35,000.00 plus anticipated closing costs of up to $3,500 for a total expenditure not to exceed $38,500.00, and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.
Attachments: 1. Appraisal - Stevenson Creek Parks Shoreline.pdf, 2. Legal - Stevenson Creek Parks Shoreline Purchase.pdf, 3. Stevenson Creek Land Purchase Contract signed.pdf, 4. Stevenson Creek Shoreline Purchase Brokers Price Opinion
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Approve a Contract for the Purchase of Real Property located on the Stevenson Creek Shoreline, also known as Parcel Identification Number 10-29-15-00000-120-0100, by the City of Clearwater from current owners, Kumar Kakarlapudi and Prerana Kamalakar Vaidya at the purchase price of $35,000.00 plus anticipated closing costs of up to $3,500 for a total expenditure not to exceed $38,500.00, and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same.




Said parcels as noted above are adjacent to Stevenson Creek consisting of approximately 2.3 acres (100,188 square feet) with over 850 feet of unobstructed waterfront. 


This lot is vegetated wetland and provides a buffer between Stevenson Creek and the adjacent residential properties to the north.  The purchase of this property will complement adjacent park parcels to the northwest.   There are no existing plans to develop the property as the main purpose for purchasing the property is to set aside and preserve these wetlands from future development and intrusion into the Stevenson Creek Watershed Basin.  This property will provide unobstructed access to the creek from adjacent park property to the northwest.


An initial appraisal of the lot was completed on December 23, 2024, yielding a market value of $18,300.00 dollars.


Mr. Robert J. Kasmer, the City of Clearwater Real Estate Service Coordinator by virtue of his Florida Broker Licensure, performed a “Brokers Price Opinion” on said parcel.  His opinion is based upon the review of like kind property to reconfirm its justifiable valuation. This value is not intended to replace an Appraisal, but only to present a different perspective of market value. Mr. Kasmer thoroughly evaluated similar parcels and offered an estimation of current market price to be $35,700.00 dollars.


Funding for this purchase is coming from the Open Space/Recreation Facility Special Development Fund.   It’s important to note that these funds may only be used for park land purchases.  The purchase of this property will allow the city to utilize funds in a timely manner to purchase park property according to the Open Space Recreation Facility Land Ordinance under which these funds were collected and to which the use of such funds are still bound.


The purchase of this land is supported by numerous provisions of the City’s Comprehensive Plan found in the “Conservation & Coastal Management” and “Parks and Public Places” elements as well as the Community Development Code. 


City staff, including environmental staff, have reviewed and recommend approval of this purchase. 



Funds are available in Special Development Fund for this purchase.  A first quarter budget amendment will transfer up to $38,500.00 of Open Space impact fees from the Special Development Fund into project 315-93133 Park Land Acquisition.





Approval of this parkland purchase supports several Strategic Plan Objectives, including:

                     1.2: Maintain public infrastructure, mobility systems, natural lands, environmental resources, and historic features through systematic management efforts. 

                     1.3: Adopt responsive levels of service for public facilities and amenities, and identify resources required to sustain that level of service.

                     1.5: Embrace a culture of innovation that drives continuous improvement and successfully serves all our customers.

                     2.3: Promote Clearwater as a premier destination for entertainment, cultural experiences, tourism, and national sporting events.

                     3.1: Support neighborhood identity through services and programs that empower community pride and belonging.

                     4.1: Support proactive climate resiliency strategies based in science to protect natural and built environments from impacts associated with sea level rise. 

                     4.3: Protect the conservation of urban forests and public green spaces to promote biodiversity and reduce our carbon footprint.