Approve the collective bargaining agreement as negotiated between the City of Clearwater and International Association of Fire Fighters Bargaining Unit for Fiscal years 2024/2025, 2025/2026, 2026/2027 and authorize the appropriate officials to execute same. (consent)
The current collective bargaining agreement between the City of Clearwater and IAFF Bargaining Unit expired on September 30, 2024. The parties reached a tentative agreement for a new contract which was ratified by the membership on January 3, 2025.
This three-year agreement will bring the IAFF to the 75th percentile in year one, which is a 13% increase for Firefighters, a 13% increase for Driver/Operators, a 9% increase for Fire Medics, a 13% increase for Fire Inspector I, a 14% increase for Fire Inspector II, a 15% increase for Fire Lieutenants, and 12% increase for Fire Medic Lieutenants. Year two provides a 4% general wage increase (GWI) for all classifications in the first pay period in October. It also provides a step pay increase of 3% and provides for all pay ranges to be adjusted by 4% in the second year. In the third year of the agreement, it provides for a 3% general wage increase plus a step pay increase of 3% and a 3% pay range adjustment for all classifications.
A cumulative estimated value of this agreement over the three years is $5,312,411. The cost associated with the implementation of this agreement by fiscal year is anticipated to be approximately as follows:
FY 2024/25 $2,528,978
FY 2025/26 $1,299,885
FY 2026/27 $1,483,548
A contingency fund was budgeted in FY25 to provide for increases related public safety union contract negotiations. The final agreements will require a budget amendment to account for the difference. A first quarter budget amendment will recognize the allocation of $2,250,000 of General Fund revenues to cover increases to Police and Fire departments in excess of budgeted contingency.
Future budgets will include the contract costs in the proposed budget. The Fire Department is funded by General Fund revenues.
USE OF RESERVE FUNDS: Funding for this contract will be provided by a first quarter budget amendment allocating General Fund reserves in the amount of $2,250,000 to fund increases from public safety union agreements. Inclusive of this item if approved, a net total of $13,180,000 of General Fund reserves has been used to date to fund expenditures in the 2024/25 operating budget. The remaining balance in General Fund reserves after the 8.5% reserve is approximately $27.5 million, or 12.1% of the current General Fund operating budget.
Superior Public Service 5.1 Attract and retain top-quality personnel through the maintenance of a competitive compensation program.